Why nobody has friends anymore
Christians are people called to celebrate what’s good and restore what’s broken in the world. Friendship is one of those goods, and its decline has left people broken.
Why progressivism hates repentance
Why does progressivism hate repentance? Let me give you three reasons.
The lasting fruit of a true move of God
This is God’s answer to the critics and mockers. This is the lasting fruit of a true move of God.
No 'neutral' assumptions? Either for or against Christian faith
There are no “neutral” assumptions; one’s presuppositions are either for or against the Christian faith.
There's no Plan B: God’s plan for reaching prisoners
It’s a tragedy that 60% of Americans who regularly and intentionally engage with Scripture don’t hold incarcerated men and women in their hearts.
Dear Christian parents: Don't celebrate Disney's ‘less gay’ animation films
So, when Disney makes a film that is “less gay,” may the majority of us stick to our principles and view this as still unacceptable and not good enough.
Why voting for Christians is a biblical issue
This theological truth doesn't absolve us from the responsibility to be good stewards of our citizenship and to vote.
Hurricane Helene is our time: The Church rushes in when disasters strike
Few experiences have shocked me as deeply as my visit to Western North Carolina just days after Hurricane Helene struck because what I was expecting was not what I saw.
Coaching America's youngest college football team: My plan
I’m coaching America’s youngest college football team this year.
Who are the ‘least of these’ and why does it matter?
This passage from Matthew should not be used for virtue signaling, to drum up support for one’s favorite charity, or to promote a government program.